God is the Master Builder of My Church

The local church is God’s instrument of change. There is no substitute for it and it is very important to our core beliefs. Jesus himself laid His life down for the church.

We believe that church is above all other forms of Christian organisation and that God will use the church to accomplish His purpose in our city and nation.

1. Junior Church

Written by Bianca Ndlovu
Key Scripture:

‘Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.’ (Proverbs 22:6, NKJV)


One of the benefits of lockdown and having to home school (as painful as it was at times!) was that it gave us an insight into how our children learn and let us get to grips with what level they are at.

I'm ashamed to admit that until this point we had left educating our kids to the teachers and we were not doing enough at home. For some parents the same can be said about God: we left it to the JC teachers to do the majority of the teaching while we did the minimum at home.

When schools and churches closed it was all left to us. I often heard parents who were finding home schooling challenging say, 'How am I supposed to do this? I'm not a teacher, am I!' Yes, it's true we are not all trained teachers but it made me realise that we should still be able to teach our children. When they learn in a group setting they don't get the quality one-to-one time which we can give them, and that focused attention makes a difference to their learning and development.

We all love quoting Proverbs 22:6, but how much of that training are we actually doing as parents? Making sure our kids get to school and Junior Church is good, but that's not where it ends. The extra work needs to be done at home and when it comes to teaching them about God the bulk of the work needs to done at home.

For those reading this who are not parents, the role you play as a sibling, auntie, uncle, cousin, family friend, etc., is so important. When children spend time with you, take that opportunity to tell them about your faith and your love for God. Sometimes what you say will have more of an impact on them than their parents.

  • Who is training my child? (The answer should be you!)
  • What are they training them to become?
  • Do I speak to my child regularly about their faith and beliefs?
  • Who will teach them how to pray, read their Bible and worship?
Prayer Points:
  • Ask God to guard the hearts and minds of the children so they come out of this pandemic with no anxiety.
  • Pray God's protection over them, especially when they are in nursery or school.
  • Pray against any plan of the enemy to steal their joy for the Lord.
  • Pray that they live long and fruitful lives rooted in God's house.
Further Scriptures:

Proverbs 127:3; Matthew 19:14

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2. Ignite

Written by Bianca Ndlovu
Key Scripture:

‘May our sons flourish in their youth like well-nurtured plants. May our daughters be like graceful pillars carved to beautify a palace.’ (Psalm 144:12, NLT)


It always blesses me to look around our church and see so many young people. Having the next generation involved in church gives me hope for the future, hope that the work we are doing to build God's Kingdom will carry on.

When I gave my life to God at the age of 11, the best thing that happened for me was being rooted in a church with a pastor who believed that young members of the church were just as capable of serving in God's house as the adults were. He truly believed we added value and didn't treat us as misfits. The way he encouraged us is what helped me to be committed to serving in church. My friends and I were part of the choir, stewarding team, set up team and we helped at every event to cook, serve and clean. We fasted when the church fasted and we attended all-night prayer meetings. It was a lot for 11-16 year olds, but we felt like we were part of the church and it helped us build a firm foundation.

I came to Harvest City Church 11 years after my salvation and I was so pleased to find pastors who also encouraged young people to serve and get involved, and who believe we add value.

Young people, serve God and flourish (grow and develop successfully) and be pillars who support the building of God's house.

  • As the church, we are here to support the young people through our love and prayers.
  • Do we see the potential in our young people?
  • Are we encouraging them and showing them that they are part of the church family?
  • As a young person, how can you be more involved?
Prayer Points:
  • Pray that our young people flourish even through these challenging times.
  • Pray that our young people develop strength of character that will help them withstand tough times.
  • Pray against distractions and pray that they will remain focused on God and their education.
  • Pray against depression and may their days be filled with youthful joy.
Further Scriptures:

Acts 2:17; John 15:5

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3. The Pulse

Written by Bianca Ndlovu
Key Scripture:

Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, ‘Life is not pleasant anymore.’ (Ecclesiastes 12:1, NLT)


For my fellows who have passed The Pulse age group (16–30), I hope you will agree with me that life between those years was exciting. I had a lot of fun with my friends, staying up late talking, laughing and eating whatever we felt like without much thought or care. For those who are a little more organised than I was, you may have gone on holidays with friends and planned fun adventures.

Life in your youth is exciting – and so it should be! – but balance is key. The fun and adventure should happen within the parameters of our faith. What I like about the Scripture above is that it acknowledges that there is excitement in our youth, unlike the old ideas that some believers had back in the day that stopped youth from having fun. It also reminds young people not to get so consumed in the excitement that you become too busy to pray, read the Word, worship and serve God in His house. Finding the balance in your youth will certainly help you when you are older and have a lot more responsibility on your shoulders.

On the other hand, you may be a young person worried about the future. Learn to trust God with your tomorrow, have fun and enjoy being young and all the benefits of it.

For those on the other side of youth, be gracious and humble teachers. Our youth members will have many triumphs but they will also have failures and shortcomings, and we should be their greatest cheerleaders and not their biggest critics. I truly believe the reason I stayed in God's house and continued to believe was because of the prayers of my mum, my youth leaders and other church members.

  • There is so much going on in the world – challenges, trends, etc. – but ask yourself, do you need to take part in all of it?
  • How can I make sure I am making God a priority?
  • What changes do I need to make?
  • Who am I living for?
Prayer Points:
  • May God give our young people wisdom and strength to overcome the challenges they face in this world.
  • Pray that God will remain at the centre of their lives and they will desire to please Him above all else.
  • May God grant our young people favour as they study and plan for the future. May doors be opened for them to get into university and find good jobs.
  • May they stay planted and rooted in God's house, continuing to grow in the things of God.
Further Scriptures:

Proverbs 1:7; James 1:5; Proverbs 2:7-8

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Written by Tracey Mann
Key Scripture:

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NLT)


There are many seasons of life, and there are different challenges to be faced within each of them. God's plan is that church life should reflect these seasons, having people from all age groups walking through life together. With this in mind, church has specific age-related groups, from newborns up!

DARE (Defying Age Related Expectations) is for the 30–40's age group (give or take a few years!). It's a group for singles and marrieds alike, and aims to provide fun social activities, to build and solidify friendships.

It's a generalisation of course, but this time of life is often when we build our families, homes, and our working lives. It's a busy season, where the years can almost slip away unnoticed in the rush of events and activities. These years can present a challenge to us staying anchored to God and church when distractions could pull us in other directions. The pursuit of money, career success, or even our aspirations for our children, all have the potential to cause us to lose focus. Belonging to church and having our roots placed firmly brings security and wisdom that can prevent us losing our way throughout these busy years.

  • What are the challenges I face in my current season of life?
  • What is God saying to me in these times?
  • Are there any changes I need to make to deepen my faith?
  • Have I allowed myself to lose focus or become distracted?
Prayer Points:
  • Pray for the church members in DARE, that God will strengthen them and encourage them.
  • Pray that God will guide them to make good decisions and not allow distractions to take over.
  • Pray that God will bless the DARE group in the times they share, and bless its leaders.
  • Pray that this group will stay connected to church and grafted in as the fabric and pillars of the house.
Further Scriptures:

Psalm 1:1-3; Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:5; Colossians 2:2

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5. New Horizons

Written by Tracey Mann
Key Scripture:

I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you, I will carry you along and save you. (Isaiah 46:4, NLT)


This verse from Isaiah encourages us that God is always with us throughout our whole lives. There is no cut-off point where He loses interest in us. He values us completely, right throughout our lives until our hair is white (or disappears completely!).

Church should be a place where our more senior members have a part to play, and we recognise the value of a lifelong walk with the Lord. New Horizons is a group for the over 50's and offers a regular programme of activities with the aim of fostering friendship and fun. Those who attend know the meetings involve lots of laughter and are full of life – in fact, they can be quite loud!

In the Christian walk there is no such thing as retirement. God has a plan for our whole lives and for every season we face. We should bear in mind as we grow older that maturity in age does not always equate to spiritual maturity. Paul encourages us in Philippians to keep pressing on to finish the race set before us. Often the end of the race is the most important part. We may slow down physically, but spiritually we can still run, and run fast! We never reach the age where we know it all. God always has new things to show us to strengthen our faith, understanding and walk with Him.

  • What can I learn from others in church who are in a different season of life to me?
  • How can I keep pressing on in the faith?
  • In the last year, what has God shown me which has deepened my faith?
  • How can I develop spiritual maturity in the year to come?
Prayer Points:
  • Pray for our over 50's, that they will see all that God has for them in 2021.
  • Pray that God will provide them with strength, protection and good health.
  • Pray that God will bless New Horizons, their times together, and their leaders.
  • Pray that we will all continue to press on with God over the next year and mature in our faith.
Further Scriptures:

Psalm 92:4; Hebrews 5:12-14; Philippians 3:13-15

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6. Shine

Written by Tracey Mann
Key Scripture:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise. (Proverbs 31:30-31, NLT)


Society has a lot to say about women, and can place differing expectations and values on them. A successful career, being a good parent and homemaker, having strength, confidence and looking good are all required! Whilst none of these things is bad in itself, Christian women should be careful to remember what God values.

These verses encourage us that God values a woman who 'fears the Lord'. When we live in a way that honours God in all we do, it can provide us with focus to cut out the other voices and expectations of society and in particular social media. We are bombarded with 'social influencers’ today but God should be our primary influencer! Not only is this a valuable lesson for women, but for men too. Their views on women should be influenced by godly values and not worldly ones. When we live in this way, we find not only freedom, but an enrichment in our lives and relationships.

Shine is a group for women of all ages and meets regularly to provide support, encouragement, teaching and friendship. It is a valuable space where women can develop their relationship with God amongst other women, learning to live in a way that fears and honours the Lord. In all the busyness and pressures of life, Shine offers time out to reflect on what God is saying to women in particular. As we have learnt, women today need to find the right path in life, and Shine is a great way to help with this – and build church at the same time.

  • How am I influenced by the pressures of society and social media?
  • What is an example of living in a way which 'fears the Lord’?
  • What damage can listening to the wrong voices do to my relationships?
  • What is one thing I could change to put God above others’ expectations?
Prayer Points:
  • Pray that the women of Harvest City Church will be strengthened and encouraged.
  • Pray that we pursue a godly life where we fear the Lord.
  • Pray that God will bless Shine, their meetings, and their leaders.
  • Pray for us to be influenced by God and not worldly thinking.
Further Scriptures:

Luke 4:18-19; Proverbs 9:10; Deuteronomy 13:4; Psalm 119:45

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7. Excel

Written by Tracey Mann
Key Scripture:

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)


We have already reflected on some of the damaging expectations on women, but men are equally struggling to find their place in today's society. There is a confusion of messages and expectations: men are to be strong, but show their vulnerabilities; to be providers, but not dominate; to be sensitive, but not weak. Men can understandably find themselves struggling to understand their role and value in life. We see the effects of these feelings in the latest figures from The Mental Health Foundation that show one-in-eight men are struggling with a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder or OCD.

Christian men can be encouraged to come back to the Scriptures and see the man that God has called them to be. The key verse shows us that we are valued and unique, and God has given us good things to do that were planned before we were even born! God is calling men to be strong – but strong in Him, and not in themselves. They are to lead their families in God’s ways, and to become faithful builders in His house. When men understand their true worth and place in God it can revolutionise them and set them free from feelings of worthlessness.

Excel is a group for men of all ages and its primary aim is to offer a place where men can connect and chill out with other like-minded guys. It offers a range of activities (more often than not involving food!) that are fun and help to build much needed friendships. Men are helped and equipped to become the builders God is calling them to be.

  • How have I struggled to find my role in life?
  • What has been the impact of these struggles?
  • What is God trying to teach me about my value and worth?
  • Do I need to make changes to step up to be who I am called to be?
Prayer Points:
  • Pray that the men of Harvest City Church will know their worth and call in God.
  • Pray for men’s mental health, that God will bring healing and restoration where it is needed.
  • Pray that God will bless Excel, the times they have together, and their leaders.
  • Pray for both men and women to be builders in God's house and find their place in life.
Further Scriptures:

Galatians 1:15; Colossians 1:11; 2 Timothy 1:7; Proverbs 3:7-8

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